Vincentian Volunteers of Cincinnati is an 11-month-long, faith-based residential service program that provides young professionals ages 21-30 an opportunity to live in faith, grow in friendship and serve in solidarity by giving deeply of themselves to their neighbors in need. VVCs live in intentional community and serve full-time in St. Vincent de Paul – Cincinnati’s West End Outreach Center and Service Learning Center, providing both direct and indirect service to our neighbors in need.
At the foundation of the great work of SVDP lies more than 1000 volunteers, called Vincentians, in 56 parish-based Conferences around the Greater Cincinnati area, who respond to their neighbors in need through home visits and direct services. In this position, you will help provide support to our Vincentians, primarily through supporting Conferences in providing assistance to their neighbors through the Conference Assistance Fund and advocating to local utility companies and landlords in issuing these funds. Other responsibilities may include assisting with events and programs designed for Conference Members, and providing access to information and resources in support of their spiritual formation and service to neighbors. This position will include a weekly block of time working directly with our neighbors in need, either in the Choice Food Pantry, or through Social Services.
Home located down the street from service placement. Each volunteer will have their own bedroom with shared bathrooms, kitchen, and living space.
Benefits: monthly personal stipend, education award upon program completion to apply toward student loans or future schooling, personal and spiritual formation in the Vincentian tradition, health insurance, vehicle access for program-related and community activities, room and board (utilities included) at the fully furnished VVC house, professional development and career exploration, assistance in seeking loan deferment, monthly cell phone reimbursement, wireless internet access.
Timing of Service Opportunity: Specific duration
Fulltime required?: Yes
Required time commitment: 11 months
Insurance: Health insurance offered through the Catholic Volunteer Network; renter's insurance provided